As an AmmoSeek Certified Retailer (ACR) you can elect to have a special offer or deal for a product or set of
featured by us on both our Deals/Offers page as well as on our main search page Deals/Offers "slider" display.
There is no additional charge for utilizing this benefit, and it may be used once per month per retailer.
Here are the guidelines:
At any time, any ACR (i.e. retailer that provides us with a conforming product data feed) or any company with whom we have an affiliate relationsip may request to have an offer/deal for a specific product or promotion featured on the AmmoSeek main page's Offers/Deals slider display and on our Deals page.
The promotion must be some kind of offer/deal. This means it must provide the customer with some kind of
discount or special. Examples include discount codes for things like free shipping or a general site-wide
discount. See our current Deals Page for examples.
It cannot be utilized merely for promoting a product without an offer/discount.
To take advantage of this, please send us the the following offer details when making the request:
Destination link to the product or page for the deal. This should be the link directly to your product
page or main site URL if the offer is site-wide.
The start date and expiration date for the deal.
The requested deal title text description of the deal. This may be edited by us to fit for length and
appropriateness when publishing.
Contact Us to request a promotion or for further details.